Friday, January 6, 2012

I was swimming in some sort of lake or lagoon or I don't know what you'd call it, like way out in some rural place like into Napa County or Sonoma or something, I think out past 37, and... I can't remember much else, but there was a girl there, I think, on this property that was her family's... I don't know if I was supposed to be there, but at some point I got out of the water, her brother(s) and his friends were there; I think I or we or her was hiding from them or something at some point... Anyway, I liked the blonde girl with curly hair, although I think I remember being worried about how young she was; maybe that's why I was trying to avoid her brothers, or maybe they were trying to keep her from seeing me, but anyway, eventually she got my e-mail or something like that... I guess 'cause the dudes stole my clothes or something (?), for whatever reason, I'm in this light, IKEA-coloured wood grained room, with windows, sitting around circular tables with... Ryan? We've been talking a while, he's got long hair and a moustache now, I'm looking at him and trying to see the old him behind the long hair + moustache... Of course it mightn't have looked like him, it was a dream. And at some point I'm with Monica, in the back of a hatchback... Is her car really like that? On a steep hill kind of like the road that goes the other way past Justin's house... And I guess we were on our way to a show... Like a real show, at some sort of actual venue... I don't know if this was before, because the backstage of this venue was down a hall that turned 90 to the left and ended up in that same room... So at some point I was in the room in my boxers, after swimming, and I figured, fuck it, why not, so I slipped 'em off... For whatever reason, some Asian girl sitting across from me peeked under and came over... so she made some appreciative comment, and I tried to spit game back, but she was way too smart for me... I tried to save it by being like, "Well, look, I've always sucked at chemistry, I HATE chem," but then none of the other shit she fired back I knew, either... She knew like 3 or 4 foreign languages, none of which I knew... She, I think, said something in Mandarin so I tried to at least save face by being like, "" but she didn't, and I think her friend informed her I wasn't that great... So she kept walking, despite being impressed by my subtabla junk... Then I was out in the audience for this show, walked out to sit in the crowd from backstage (now clothed?). There were like two drum kits on risers, a bunch of everything, this huge Arcade Fire-type band... They launched into their first number, and it kicked ass... At the end, they started smashing up a bass... I had jumped up on stage, then finished it off... I walked backstage after the song, as if I were part of the act... Not so many people back there now, of course... So at some point I came back out, I think maybe I was escorted by security? But this time I entered through like the front, or the opening hallway/vestible to the venue...

And I was going to write part I of my dream yesterday, which I was happy I still remembered, but then I had to google blind girl porn and now I forget. :7 But part II was me hanging out with Speedbump - I think maybe Number Two was there, now, off in a carrier to the side - and I was playing with her and The Baby, and he just looked at me in my eyes, and I realized, look, this kid's verbal now, I can't have him talking to dad about "We saw Drummer Boy" and have him asking about whatever... So I turned to Speedbump and I said, "Look, I can't do this anymore; I have to go now." And she was sad, but that was that. And it had to be that.