Saturday, July 27, 2013

Boss Lady’s been freaking out about security/fidelity and I don’t blame her. Had a big talk before she left on her trip, had to reassure her the next day, calling from a payphone telling me she woke up sick to her stomach, that it was “just ‘we’.” But putting so much pressure on me has perhaps given it increased significance in my mind; Thursday night at the farmers’ market I saw this brunette working a food booth. Yeah, I was kind of checking her out; she reminded me of la Montréalaise. But she caught my eye and we just looked—there was definitely something there. But I had to repeatedly pull away from her gaze, trying to pretend to look at the menu, maybe even a little unsure, like I was supposed to know her from somewhere, but didn’t. She smiled at me and I wasn’t sure if it was from recognition, friendliness/salesiness or flirtiness. So I walked on and thought I forgot about it but walking to work the next day realized I’d dreamt of her.

Also remembered this morning I had a dream last night (this morning) where I won something, like, a bunch of people got called up in a gym from winning prizes/like a raffle, but there wasn’t much left that interested me, and I was going to graciously decline so someone else could get whatever, but was debating taking a video I might have liked, but it was on VHS, which I decided wasn't worth having at this stage in my life.