Saturday, December 14, 2013

It wasn’t just that. Thinking about freedom and exclusivity and “boyfriending” Boss/Ariadnæ/Blondie/whoever/Boss Lady a lot yesterday and therria was the last girl I really wanted to boyfriend and I regret not having the chance—well, not being better situated to take it before it was too late/not getting my shit together sooner—and I hope this one was a good one although she probably should have had some more training wheels first but, hey, we don’t plan these things, and I hope she’s happy.
Jesus Christ, was that another therria dream? I fear it was.

(Possible source)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I wonder if she was some sort of stand-in for Boss Lady, being as I’m repeating exactly the same stupid mistakes?

o noes!

Another dream about therria. This time it was just real easy and sweet. Co-starring a still-talking, not-dead Roger Ebert and who do I know from French-speaking Belgium? But there were decomposing rats in the area behind Safeway that didn’t used to be a street (but it was a lot bigger) so maybe he wasn’t as not-dead as I thought.